I’ve been preparing this simple lentil burger for over a year now quite regularly. It’s not a big fuss to make and has lots of fiber, nutritious and full of minerals and vitamins.

1 cup lentils (soak well overnight and cook it)
half cup walnut or sunflower seed
half cup oatmeal
1 tbsp. ground flax seed
1 egg (you can leave it out if you’d like a vegan version)
1-1 tsp. ground cumin and coriander seed
half tsp. salt
ground pepper to taste
2 cloves of garlic
1 shredded carrot
chopped parsley
2-3 pcs. of spring onion
some oil for baking
dipping sauce: 1 cup organic
Toast the walnut or sunflower seed then chop it up. In a bowl, mix the carrot, the garlic, the sliced spring onion
With a wet hand or with an ice cream scooper, shape egg sized rolls, then slightly flatten them and oil the burgers with a brush. In a preheated oven (180C) bake the burgers for about 25-30 minutes or when you see they are ready.
Enjoy with a salad or roasted vegetables. A nice side dip will make it even tastier.
Bon apetit!
Love, Andrea